23 July 2008


I've never been a reader - I've always loved books, but never could seem to finish one. All that changed once I started seminary as I forced to read books; actually finish them, I've really loved them.

Now that I've graduated and been out in the real world for 7 months, I've let my reading slack - sadness :(

James will start school in the fall I would like to help create an atmosphere condusive to studying for him. Therefore, I have decided to read again - if I'm reading that should motivate him to read and it will help me not to distract him with TV.

Our church has a women's book club and though I can't attend (due to teaching ESL) I thought it might be nice to following their monthly reading plan:

August - Biblical character
September - Women's Issues
October - Mystery/Adventure
November - Arts & Crafts
December - Biblical Commentary
Any book suggestions? Preferrably things that can be found at the local library as we'll be spending enough cash on his books for school. Thanks in advance!

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