23 May 2008

Newlyweds - 6 days

This will be my last post for about a week or so, as James & I don't have internet at home so my only opportunity for posting is while bored at work - ha!

The next time you hear from me, we will have been married for 17 days-wow and we will have hopefully had a wonderful honeymoon in Cincinnati and be completely finished with moving James out of his on-campus apartment. Hopefully, our wedding pics will be up and I'll be able to link to those as well.

In the meantime, please pray for us as we are embarking on a whole new life together. Specific prayer requests:

-Safety while traveling- to Nashville and back and then to Cincinnati and back
-Energy to clean, clean, clean - we gotta get his apartment completely empty before we leave for Cincinnati and hopefully get ours organized and settled.
-Summer job for James-subbing is glorious for while in school, but stinks once summer rolls around and school is out. James has had a couple of opportunities bu the doors have closed on those jobs - please pray for us as we seek God to open doors for temp/summer employment.
-Peru! James will be leaving for Peru in about 9 weeks or so. We still need to raise about $500 and he needs shots, packing stuff, etc..etc.. Plus we'll be apart for the two weeks he'll be gone which makes me sad just thinking about it.
-Continue to pray for our ministry at PBC and that we'll think of new fresh ideas there.

Love y'all! See you in a week or so!

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