18 March 2008


Last night I had a dream about my friend Mojgan. I met Mojgan at an ESL program I served at for a year and a half before graduating seminary. On the first day I met Mojgan, she asked me for help. That afternoon, I ended up scrapping all my plans and driving Mojgan to a single-mother assitance program office and terribly translating her broken English-Farsi to the sweet lady at the office. About six months later Mojgan called me needing more help-her abusive ex-husband was showing up at her work at closing time to talk to her and she was scared. I've shared the gospel with Mojgan and have prayed for her earnestly, though not as earnestly as I ought. I've kinda lost contact with Mojgan over the past 8 months or so. She no longer comes to the ESL program due to her work schedule and I'm not longer there due to my work schedule to get updates from her mom. I usually try to track her down at the Wal-Mart she works at to say 'Hi."

Anyway, last night I had a disturbing dream about her. I had a dream that she called me, needing my help. Something was clearly wrong, though I can't remember what it was. I woke up quite upset this morning ... in that daze, confusion of whether what just occured with real or a dream. I'm not one ot be into the whole "dreams have meaning thing" but I do know that God has and can communicate to us through dreams. Today I have felt burdened for Mojgan in a way that is stronger than ever before. I'm going to try to track her down ... whether at work ... showing up at her home ... somewhere. Please pray for Mojgan, even if my dream is nothing and she is technically OK, she is still trapped in the lies of Islam and that is her real need.

(Mojgan and I at her Naturalization Ceremony-Dec. 22, 2006-also her b'day!)

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